How does the recruitment process work? It depends on the company and what methods the company uses to find applicants for employment. However, most large and some small employers have a formal process that follows to recruit and hire new employees.
Before hiring an applicant for a job position, a company goes through a step-by-step hiring process. This process has three key phases, including planning, recruitment, and employee selection. LTM Associates can assist your business with:
As part of our Hotline service, LTM Associates will prepare your employee Counseling, Reprimand, & Suspension Notices, as well as Layoff, and Termination Notices. Hotline Members have unlimited access to the HR Employer Hotline, Monday through Friday, from 9:00am - 6:30pm. The program is a great resource for supervisors, managers, business owners, and company leaders. Click here for more information. Monthly Membership, paid in 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month increments
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