An employee reprimand is an official written method for documenting that you have warned an employee about a specific lack of performance or about an inappropriate action. The employee reprimand is provided following the failure of informal and formal supervisory coaching to help the employee improve the required performance.
This process needs to be executed properly while following the law. This is where we come in. We can help your business with:
As part of our Hotline service, LTM Associates will prepare your employee Counseling, Reprimand, & Suspension Notices, as well as Layoff, and Termination Notices. Hotline Members have unlimited access to the HR Employer Hotline, Monday through Friday, from 9:00am - 6:30pm. The program is a great resource for supervisors, managers, business owners, and company leaders. Click here for more information. Monthly Membership, paid in 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month increments